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Catalog # Product Name Available Sizes
V5135 GST Focurose 4FF 25 mL, 1 L, 250 mL, 100 mL
A1027 Heparin-Agarose 25 mL
D8214 HRP Conjugated Goat Anti Human IgG (H+L) 1 mg
D8216 HRP Conjugated Goat Anti Rabbit IgG (H+L) 1 mg
D8215 HRP Conjugated Horse Anti Mouse IgG (H+L) 1 mg
D8212 HRP Conjugated MD10-Monoclonal Anti-His IgG 100 µL
D8211 HRP Conjugated Monoclonal Anti FLAG IgG 500 µg
D8219 HRP Conjugated Streptavidin 1 mg
D8213 HRP-Conjugated Anti-M13 Mouse IgG 100 µg, 1 mg
D1003 Human Growth Hormone (hGH) ELISA Kit 2 plates
V5025 Ni Focurose FF (IDA) 25 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 1 L
V8045 Ni Focurose FF (IMAC) 25 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 1 L
V2035 Ni Focurose FF (TED) 25 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 1 L
A1025 Ni-NTA Agarose 25 mL, 100 mL
V3035 Phenyl Focurose FF (HS) 25 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 1 L
V5035 Phenyl Focurose FF (LS) 25 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 1 L
M4504 Plasmid DNA precipitator pack of 12
V8065 Protein G Focurose 4FF 25 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 1L
C6311 PS-100 Preservative Solution 120 mL
V0015 Q Focurose FF 25 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 1 L
V6035 Q Focurose HF 25 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 1 L
V7005 Q Focurose HPR 25 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 1 L
Y3102 SE-HPLC Size Standard Mixture pack of 5, 5 injections each
V9105 SP Focurose FF 25 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 1 L
V1035 SP Focurose HF 25 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 1 L
Showing 26 to 50 of 54 products